Quill & Echo is an online literary journal featuring contemporary and fantastical queer stories where the character's queerness is not the main facet of their identity, but just another part of who they are.
This journal’s mission is to make queer people feel seen and heard in stories that they can relate to. There are a lot of queer stories out in the world, but most of them tend to focus on things like the character coming out or their queerness in general. While these stories are extremely important, we want to aim to capture stories with queer characters going about their day-to-day lives, just as other characters are allowed to do in their stories.
​Who We Are
Quill & Echo’s editor is currently a senior studying English: Literature and Writing at Ohio University. She has been in love with reading her whole life and has been seeking stories that show queer people like her living their lives without feeling the pressure of people seeing them as nothing more than their sexuality. She loves reading fantasy and contemporary fiction, both of which she would be honored to bring to Quill & Echo.
As an editor, she prefers stories that contain a sufficient amount of description of the world around the characters and within their interactions. You can trust her with your work because she cares about amplifying queer voices and stories. She has read a plethora of queer stories throughout her life and feels strongly that she can find many more of these stories through this avenue that will make a difference.